I. Am. Back.


I’ve been gone for about 10 months, or so this site tells me. So let me fill you in . . .

I signed up for my community college’s surgical technology program, thinking that it would be a great fit for me because I’ve always been interested in the medical field, I have a strong stomach and, hell, I need to make more money.  SO, I was doing really well in the program until we got to clinical.  Once clinical came around, my already existent anxiety became so severe that I could barely eat, let alone concentrate during the basic tasks that we were required to perform to acquire a passing grade.  A month into my clinical I was booted.  The next day, my boyfriend broke up with me.  Not that I lost a lot, I suppose, as he was unable to be supportive of me during one of the hardest times of my life.

So, in a matter of 24 hours I was kicked out of school and newly single.  What the hell do I do now?

Well, the first thing I did was cry (about school..he’s only a boy, it’s not like we can’t find more of those).  Then, of course, I got my haircut, because any girl going through anything always gets her hair cut, am I right?

THEN, I got serious about what the fuck I’m going to do with my life.  After all, my entire life was just turned upside down in a matter of a day.  All I can say is thank goodness it all happened at the same time so I hopefully won’t have to do this more than once!

So I came back to my blog to share my story and hopefully help someone else going through something difficult in their life.  I am here to gain inspiration and maybe even provide some during this major life change.  So..

I. Am. Back.
